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Diagnostic Tests » Psychiatric
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)A 567-item, self-administered True-False instrument that provides data on 10 clinical constructs (e.g. depression anxiety, hypochondriasis, mania); three validity scales, which measure such constructs as malingering, defensiveness and distorting; and numerous subscales, which provide detailed clinical information.
Whaler Physical Symptoms InventoryA 42-item, self-administered instrument in which subjects rate, on a five-point scale, the frequency of a variety of physical symptoms. The test yields a decile score that measures the likelihood of somaticization, i.e the tendency to overstate and exaggerate complaints related to pain and physical discomfort.
Beck Depression InventoryA 21-item, self-administered instrument in which subjects select one of four statements describing the intensity and/or frequency of thoughts and feelings related to depressive affect. The test yields a score that is compared to normative data for depression.
Impact of Events ScaleA 15-item, self-administered instrument in which subjects rate, on a four-point scale, their reactions to stressful life events. The test yields an Avoidance score, which measures levels of stress related to the avoidance of situations and experiences, and an Intrusion score, which measures levels of stress related to an inability to appropriately monitor and block stress-evoking thoughts and feelings from specific anxiety-producing stimuli. The scores are compared to normative data.
State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAID)A 40-item, self-administered instrument that measures both current and chronic anxiety levels.The test yields a State score and a Trait score, which are normed by gender and age.
Rotter Incomplete Sentences BlankA 40-item, self-administered projective instrument that provides the beginning of sentences (e.g. "I feel..."; "My nerves...") that are completed by the subject. The responses are analyzed to provide information about conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings.
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